Hand Drawn Effects For Your CAD Drawings!

from several different drawing styles: Dashed, Fuzzy, Napkin, Shaky, Wavy,
or Steady:
Squiggle lets you combine different Squiggle styles into one image. You
control which "pens" get Squiggled!
(The house in the middle is not Squiggled)
on the image and download a 30-day free trial
the modern world, accurate and precise technical drawings are a requirement
in many industries. The same exactness and precision that makes your
drawings so valuable are the same things that might turn away potential
clients. Don't cloud your ideas with straight lines and hard edge
corners. Express your concepts without confusing clients with unnecessary
details. With Squiggle 6, get the traditional hand-drawn look you
want using the CAD drawings you've already spent valuable time creating.
use Squiggle?
While computer generated drawings certainly have their place,
in many applications, such as architectural and industrial design,
a stylized illustration is often more effective.
advantages of illustration are numerous. Illustrations can convey
information better by omitting extraneous detail, by focusing
attention on relevant features, by clarifying and simplifying
shapes or by exposing parts that are hidden.
transforms your CAD drawings into hand-drawn illustrations, adding
style and emphasis to presentations, brochures and other promotional
What's New in Squiggle
Support for AutoCAD 2006 and earlier drawings
HPGL and HPGL/2 plot files
by layer, pen or entire drawing
drawing support (plot style tables, xrefs, hatches, ...)
printing features (plot to scale, plot window, ...)
high-resolution images formats (BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF)
multiple vector graphics formats (PDF, DWF, EMF, WMF, SVG)
original or squiggled drawings as AutoCAD 2004 or earlier DWG,
DXF files
protection (DWG, PDF, DWF)
Simplified user-interface
How Does Squiggle Work?
Squiggle reads each file and allows the user to vary the width and/or
color of each of up to 255 lines/pens and then to apply an unlimited
number of "hand-drawn" styles to each line. Users can choose
from 7 preset styles that range from "carefully sketched with
a drafting pen" to "scribbled on the back of a napkin"
and an unlimited number of easy-to-create custom styles.
Each line is Squiggled independently and results are not precisely
predictable, just like the human hand! Squiggle even lets you combine
different Squiggle styles in one image. You control which "pens"
get squiggled. Squiggled drawings can be sent to any Windows system
printer, copied to the Windows Clipboard, or exported as raster, vector
or pdf files for import into other applications.

Who Needs Squiggle?
technical illustrators, industrial designers artists, and home hobbyists--all
use Squiggle.
What Applications Does Squiggle Work With?
Squiggle works great with AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoSketch, ALLPLAN,
Cadkey, CorelCAD, Corel VisualCADD, CorelDraw, DataCAD, DesignCAD,
Draphix CAD, Drawbase, DynaCADD, EasyCAD, MicroStation, TurboCAD,
or any CAD, drawing, or graphics application that outputs HPGL or
HPGL/2 files. DXF files or DWG files.